Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1 week!

Happy One Week Birthday Bella!
Last night we had a restful evening and watched the Olympics while Orlando got some good rain and wind from Tropical Storm Fay. The family that was supposed to feed us last night could not make it due to the storm, so he had 20-25 pizzas delivered to the RHM. We can tell that things have slowed down a bit here at RM due to the economy, which is affecting us all. Staples like paper towels, toilet paper, and other household goods are low. There are also not as many people signed up to cook dinner each night. It is a big difference from 2 years ago when we were here.

Bella was fine through the night and is continuing to have no episodes and is a good eater. At her 4am feeding she had 75ML, which is over 2oz and the most she has taken. Yesterday we told you she and an IV in her head. Well when they took it out yesterday afternoon we noticed she looked different. They had to shave/cut her hair in the front in order to get the IV in! He poor hair was scalped and butchered, but she still looks beautiful. It honestly looks like she has a receding hair line! If her hair is anything mine it grow back in no time! They moved her once again to the Level 2 Step down unit which is one step closer out the door. Still no word on exactly when were going home but we know it will be sooner than later. Bella had a great nurse today, Judy, who made us go to RMH at shift change and SLEEP! She said take advantage of this time and rest, b/c Kristen can't afford to get sick especially when she comes home. We ate some lunch and slept for a total of almost 4 hours (in between pumping that is!) We are going back tonight to feed her at 8:30 spend a few hours and more sleep! We are looking forward to coming home with Bella soon.

Well that's it for now...enjoy the new pictures! :)


Bella Hospital

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